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The Benefits of Screen of Green (SCROG) for Your Plants

SCROG for optimized plant growth is a popular growing technique that can significantly improve the yield and overall growth of your plants. Whether you’re an experienced grower or just starting out, using SCROG can help you maximize available space, improve light distribution, and encourage healthier plants. Here’s why you should consider implementing SCROG in your grow setup:

Maximum Space Efficiency
SCROG allows you to make the most of your grow space by training your plants to grow horizontally rather than vertically. This method creates a uniform canopy, ensuring that every part of the plant receives adequate light and nutrients. It’s perfect for small spaces, such as indoor gardens or greenhouses, as it maximizes their area and increases plant density without overcrowding.

Better Light Distribution SCROG for optimized plant growth

By distributing the plant’s branches across the screen, light is guaranteed to reach all areas of the plant evenly. With SCROG, you can prevent areas of your plant from being shaded by taller branches, which leads to more efficient photosynthesis. As a result, your plants will grow stronger and produce higher quality crops.

Increased Yield and Quality
With SCROG, the plant is encouraged to focus its energy on producing more uniform growth throughout the canopy rather than just growing in height. This leads to more uniform development and higher yields. By preventing excessive vertical growth, you allow your plants to allocate resources more efficiently, resulting in more flowers or fruit per plant.

Reduced Risk of Plant Stress
When you SCROG for optimized plant growth, you help minimize the stress that arises from overstretching or overgrowth. Plants grow in a more controlled and organized manner, reducing the likelihood of having weak stems or branches. This results in healthier plants that are better equipped to handle environmental stressors such as wind or heavy fruit.

Easier Maintenance and Pruning
With SCROG, your plants stay organized and well-structured, making maintenance tasks like pruning, watering, and pest control much easier. Since you can clearly see each branch and its growth, you can quickly and effectively identify problem areas. The horizontal structure also reduces tangling, so you won’t have to worry about plants becoming unwieldy.

Improves Airflow and Disease Prevention

By training your plants horizontally, SCROG encourages better airflow between branches. This reduces the risk of mold, mildew, and other fungal diseases that thrive in stagnant, humid environments. A well-distributed canopy allows air to circulate more freely, promoting healthier plants and reducing the need for pesticides or fungicides.

Using Screen of Green (SCROG) is an effective way to increase the health of your plants, maximize space, and increase. It’s a great technique for both novice and experienced growers, offering a more efficient and productive growing experience. With better light distribution, improved airflow, and more manageable plants, SCROG helps you achieve better quality crops while keeping things organized and simple. Consider incorporating SCROG into your growing process for healthier plants and bigger harvests.

Optimizing Water Management for a Thriving Cannabis Garden.

The maintenance of cannabis cultivation is something that all growers should understand in order to get the best results. This means controlling the environment, nutrients, light, water, temperature, oxygen and humidity.

If you want to get the biggest and best crops every time, you will need to pay attention to each of these factors and adjust those factors accordingly. Below, we’ll address each of these factors to make sure you keep your cannabis crops in top condition.

The environment is the top factor for any healthy crop, and wanting to keep your plants within the exact parameters is an important part of maintaining a cannabis crop. The environment should be clean and free of dust, insects and excessive heat. If there are too many plants together, the humidity and air in the grow can be limited, so it’s important to control the amount of plants you have. This means pruning properly and removing excess foliage when necessary. Without a healthy environment, your cannabis crop can suffer from disease and pest damage, so good crop preparation is essential.

A critical aspect of cannabis crop maintenance is nutrient care. Different nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium are essential for plant growth. Without adequate nutrient availability, plants will not thrive. Using organic fertilizers or a prepared substrate can be a good way to ensure that your plants receive adequate nutrients. In addition, some fertilizers require regulation to keep all nutrient levels at a healthy level. These regulations vary by plant variety, and specialized knowledge is necessary to ensure that the balance is maintained.

Light is also essential for a healthy cannabis crop. Natural light contributes a lot in outdoor crops, but artificial light is also indispensable for indoor crops. For indoor crops, the amount and type of light is critical to the production of a quality crop. LED lights and sodium bulbs are two common utilities.

Based on the variety of the plant, choosing the right spectrum of light will be the key to healthy choices.

In addition to light, water is another key factor for a good crop. From flowering to harvest, cannabis plants need an adequate amount and frequency of watering. Too much water can result in ugly roots and lack of air in the soil, which will make it difficult for the plant to absorb nutrients. This means it is important to water in moderation and control the proper moisture in the substrate. Many growers even use automatic irrigation control systems to ensure that their plants receive adequate water supply.

An additional important point to keep in mind is temperature. The optimal temperature for cannabis cultivation is a mid-point between 19-28 degrees Celsius. It is important to monitor the temperature to prevent it from going beyond what is appropriate, which can cause plants to burn or go dormant. In some cases, growers can also use a fan if the temperature gets too high. Oxygen and humidity are also important factors to consider in crop maintenance. These two things must be kept at their optimal levels to prevent plants from drowning or going dormant.

Cannabis crop maintenance is an intensive but crucial task for a quality harvest. The key factors are environment, nutrients, light, water, temperature, oxygen and humidity. By understanding these factors and how they influence cannabis cultivation, healthy and satisfying harvests will be possible. Once you understand how to keep your cannabis crop healthy and flourishing, the reward will be a deep and satisfying harvest.

How SCROG helps a crop.

SCROG netting is a popular tool among cannabis growers. This netting (which is known as SCROG from “Sea of Green”) is designed to stimulate the development of side branches. This allows the grower to manipulate the affected area to produce more heads and more butts with greater potency.

Initially, WHOG is an ideal growing principle for marijuana crops with limited space. Whether you have plants ranging from one to three feet tall, setting up SCROG netting allows for optimal space utilization, ensuring all branches and heads receive adequate light. Although the setup requires minimal materials, the benefits gained can be quite remarkable. For example, a SCROG screen can stimulate increased production without having to resort to modifying the height of the plant.

In addition to increasing marijuana production, SCROG netting also offers an easy way to maintain the plant. To ensure that branches do not grow excessively and interfere with each other, it is recommended to install a SCROG mesh every 21 days. This practice ensures even distribution of light across all areas. Prolonged placement of the mesh in one position could potentially impact the plant’s growth.

Also, the SCROG screen provides a unique advantage for discreet location cannabis growers: it allows you to control the size and shape of the plant as it grows. This is useful for grow owners who don’t want their plants to be excessively tall, which would ruin their goal of discretion. SCROG netting helps the grower increase productivity, control size and maintain the plant. It is a useful tool for growing cannabis with limited space.

The netting should be installed every 21 days to prevent the branches from interfering with each other, while preventing the fruit from throwing too much light.

The highlight of using SCROG netting to grow cannabis is that it relieves stress on the plant by forcing the plant to spread out in a structured way. This greatly improves the breathing condition, allowing the plant to always receive enough oxygen. In comparison, plants without SCROG netting will grow without structure, preventing the plant from getting the necessary amount of oxygen. This can lead to slow or unbalanced plant growth, which can prevent optimal growth.

On the other hand, SCROG netting also greatly improves yields. This is because the plants must spread out and increase in size to pass through the netting. This forced stretching results in a greater amount of foliage, which allows the plant to increase its fruit production.

An important consideration is that SCROG netting helps control leaf size. This is useful for plants that are a bit more difficult to produce fruit, as is the case with some cannabis strains. This is because holding the plant more tightly to the netting eliminates excessive exposure, which often results in larger than normal leaves. This forced extension results in a greater amount of foliage, which allows the plant to increase its fruit production.

However, the main danger associated with not using SCROG netting is that you run the risk of a loaded crop. When a crop is loaded, the plant is severely affected, as it becomes tall and matted. This blocks sunlight and oxygen, which decreases fruit production. This will result in low yield and poor crop quality. This prevents your crop from reaching its best potential and is one of the main reasons why a grower would use SCROG netting.

Finally, we must remember that SCROG netting is a valuable tool for the cannabis grower.

This is because it relieves stress on the plant, improves yields, prevents leaf deformations and leaf size, as well as aids in pest and disease control. Therefore, growers who choose not to use SCROG netting expose themselves to many potential risks to their crops.

Top 3 most dangerous diseases of a cannabis crop

Growing cannabis can be a rewarding and exciting experience for many cannabis fans, but there are a variety of man-made diseases and pests that can affect the crop.

These diseases and pests often progress rapidly if not detected and treated early. The three most dangerous diseases for cannabis are white mold, late blight and canker rot. These diseases, if not treated properly.

  1. White mold, caused by Trichoderma harzianum fungus. This disease often develops in a crop under conditions of optimum moisture or temperature for fungal growth. White mold usually appears as white spots on the collar of the plant and on the stem. These spots spread rapidly, which eventually eats away essential nutrients from the cannabis plant. It can also lead to the death of the plant. Fortunately, white mold can be prevented by limiting watering and controlling temperatures.
  2. Late blight is a disease caused primarily by the fungus Phytophthora infestans. This disease is particularly virulent on plants outdoors or in warm, humid climates. It presents as infections on the stem and darkened leaves of the plant, accompanied by a kind of scab on the fruit. Late blight is particularly related to excess moisture in the soil, as well as an excessive supply of nutrients. To prevent this disease, take care when watering the crop, keep the soil free of weeds, and prune the plant’s peduncles to promote good airflow.
  3. Canker rot has been the leading cause of losses in cannabis cultivation in recent years. Pseudomonas syringae pv. cannabis causa una enfermedad foliar con manchas verdes en los bordes de las hojas que se extienden hacia el centro, agotando los nutrientes de la planta. To prevent canker rot, experts recommend reducing irrigation to avoid excessive soil waterlogging, eliminating weed growth, and ensuring proper greenhouse ventilation

Preventing and treating these diseases is vital for a good and productive cannabis crop.

Neglecting these diseases will increase the likelihood that the crop will not be productive enough to make a profit, which basically means a wasted investment. For that reason, agricultural engineers recommend growers to perform rigorous inspection and testing, to identify potential disease early, and provide appropriate treatment. In this way, the cannabis crop will benefit from its good results and the excellent quality of the fruits obtained from the harvest.

How to avoid the contagion of a Cannabis crop

Cannabis cultivation has become a popular form of recreation, and a booming industry in many parts of the world. However, people often link cannabis use to the spread of person-to-person transmitted diseases. Responsible management of cannabis cultivation can prevent these contagions and minimize associated risks.

Here are some tips to avoid contagion in cannabis cultivation.

  1. Use disposable equipment. Using disposable items such as gloves, syringes, solution bottles and grow containers is an effective way to prevent the spread of disease. These items are used to control disinfection and prevent cross-pollination of seeds between crops.
  2. Clean and disinfect all materials before use. Proper cleaning and disinfection of growing equipment and utensils before use is an essential tool to prevent the spread of disease. For deep cleaning, a detergent solution and hot water or a natural disinfectant is recommended.
  3. Dispose of garbage properly. After cleaning and disinfecting the materials, it is very important to dispose of the garbage properly. Materials used for cultivation such as empty bottles, straws and plastics should be disposed of properly to prevent the spread of disease.
  4. Use proper lighting. Lighting also plays an important role in controlling the spread of disease. Using proper decorative lamps to ensure adequate illumination of crops is an important measure to ensure their health.
  5. Use organic fertilizers. Using organic and non-toxic fertilizers on crops is an effective way to prevent the spread of diseases. This will help keep crops healthy and immunized against disease-causing germs such as mold.
  6. Regularly monitor the condition of crops. After implementing all the necessary measures to prevent contagion, it becomes crucial to consistently monitor the condition and progress of the crops. This practice enables the prompt detection of any signs of disease, allowing for the timely implementation of appropriate control measures.
  7. Feed them properly. Cannabis plants need to be fed correctly so that they have the right amount of nutrients to maintain their health. It is important to give them the right nutrient and in the right amount to prevent the development of diseases.

Importance of keeping a cannabi crop clean.

Cleaning in a cannabis crop is essential, otherwise growers run the risk of facing diseases or other problems that can affect the health of the plants. The main purpose of cleaning is to facilitate access to sunlight, an essential element for the healthy development of cannabis plants. Sunlight provides the energy needed for plants to grow and develop properly. By keeping the crop clean and free of weeds, droppings, dust or other items that can block sunlight, growers maximize the amount of sunlight that can reach the plant, which increases the production of better yields.

It is also crucial to remove any remnants of chemicals used for pest and disease control. The presence of chemicals past or present in the substrate can affect the quality and content of the crop, in addition to compromising the health of the growers and the surrounding area. This is why it is essential to keep the cultivation area clean before starting any process of fertilization, insecticides, fungicides, etc.

An additional point to consider is the need to keep the atmosphere of the area free of any pathogens harmful to the plant.

This is achieved by keeping the crops free of weeds, insects or fungi, as well as domesticated and wild animals that can transmit diseases to the plants. To prevent the presence of pests in their crop, cannabis growers can perform a good regular cleaning of the area, using chemicals or organic methods, and carefully monitor the plant for possible infections or problems.

In addition, cleaning the cannabis growing area will also have a positive impact on the appearance of the crop. Many cannabis growers strive for a coveted and appealing look with their crops. Good grooming will clearly increase the aesthetics of the crop, making it easier for the grower to obtain a better quality product and a higher price, while also making it easier to sell the product.

Keeping a cannabis crop clean is an important part of the success of any cannabis garden. The grower must understand and employ the proper mechanisms to keep harmful pathogens away, while allowing sufficient sunlight, and perform good cleaning to improve the quality of their

How SCROG mesh facilitates Cannabis crops


The SCROG mesh is one of the cannabis seed growing techniques most known by cannabis growers and one of the most effective. This technique consists in placing a net over the best branches of the cannabis plant to stabilize and support the stems during harvesting.

There are several advantages to using SCROG mesh in the cultivation of any cannabis crop. These include higher flower density and the elimination of excess lower stems that do not produce flowers. This immediately results in higher production and consolidation of flowering stems. Allowing growers to get higher yielding flowers in a small space. SCROG mesh also reduces the need for additional support branches, resulting in a cleaner, hassle-free solution.

Additionally, the SCROG mesh support puts gentle pressure on the flowers of the plants. Providing support to each flower with the goal of maximizing yield. This is achieve by keeping the lower sections of the stem open to UV light and sun. Thus allowing better nutrient flow from the lower bunches. This in turn helps prevent premature flower ripening, a problem commonly affecting high yielding crops.

It also simplifies the harvesting process by allowing growers to easily obtain the best bunches to pick.

The SCROG mesh is highly elastic, resulting in a clean.

Trouble-free distribution of simple pruning shears across the flowering tiers to be harvest. This is particularly useful when harvesting in wetter climates. As keeping moisture from the lower stem trunks while harvesting at the same time can be a problem. By using a perforated support, growers are allow to control the moisture and pressure of the lower bunch. Which helps keep the plant in perfect harmony.

SCROG mesh is one of the most commonly use cannabis seed growing techniques, particularly on a commercial scale. This practice reduces the amount of additional supports needed to hold the stems. Provides better performance of the lower stems through improved flow of UV light and nutrients to the flowers, facilitates harvesting, and helps maximize crop yield. Like so many modern cannabis growing techniques and practices.

screen of green method
SCROG netting is one of the most commonly used cannabis seed growing techniques as this practice consists of reducing the amount of additional supports needed to hold the stems.

SCROG mesh perfectly combines effectiveness with simplicity, making it one of the most effective cannabis growing techniques.

Safety precautions to be consider when growing cannabis

Cannabis production and cultivation have increased significantly in recent years. As more and more states legalize the medicinal and recreational use of this plant. Cannabis cultivation, however, is a delicate activity that requires a great deal of care, consideration and preparation. Cannabis growers should keep certain safety factors in mind before beginning the cultivation process.

The first important consideration when growing cannabis is to establish a safe place to store the plant. The best way to do this is to purchase products for the exclusive use of the crop, such as cabinets, frames, and pallets. The cabinet should be made of metal and should be attach to some solid surface. The frame, on the other hand, should be located in a place with good ventilation to avoid mold or moisture accumulation. Pallets should also be firmly attach to the floor and be able to support the weight of the plant. In addition, the cannabis plant storage location should be lock to ensure the physical safety of the plant.

A further important consideration for safe cannabis cultivation is to plan ahead for the amount and type of accessories and tools needed. This includes pots, soil, fertilizers, watering cans, stalagmites, feed lines, etc. These tools can be purchase at specialty stores for cannabis cultivation. In addition, there are many specific devices and tools for safe cannabis cultivation. Such as air filters, condensers, vents, special lighting, etc. These elements must be use safely, always following the manufacturer’s instructions, to avoid any damage to the plant or the users.

It is also important to maintain a safe environment for the care of the plant

This means making sure that the area is safe for producers and their workers. This includes maintaining good ventilation and a smoke-free environment where odors and light do not leak into other spaces. In addition, growers should carefully monitor elements, such as irrigation, to verify that the proper climate for plant grow is maintain.

Cannabis growers should make sure they have the means to handle any situation they incur during cultivation. This includes having safety equipment on hand such as gloves, masks and goggles, as well as a supply of water, first aid kits and cleaning products. It is also important for cannabis growers to have licenses, liability insurance, and other legal protection.

Safe cannabis cultivation requires consideration and preparation. Growers should be careful to choose the right location for plant storage, obtain the right supplies and tools, maintain a safe environment to care for the plant, and be prepare for any unexpect situation. These safety measures will help ensure that cannabis growers get the best results.

cannabis cultivation with support net
It should be noted that cannabis cultivation requires consideration and preparation where growers must be careful to choose the right place for plant storage.

Precautions to consider when growing cannabis

The precautions to take into account before harvesting cannabis are many and varied. The care and dedication necessary to obtain an optimal result are not for nothing, so be sure to provide the right environment and do not neglect any detail before harvesting. The following aspects should be take into account to achieve good results when harvesting cannabis.

Before harvesting hemp, the moon calendar should be consult to ensure that harvesting occurs at the optimal growth phase of the crop. This means that on a rising and new moon you should plan to harvest the hemp crop for best results. On the other hand, it is recommend to harvest from the sixth full moon onwards for optimal hemp harvests. You should also make sure that the hemp is not affect by insects or pests. Growers often use pesticides and fungicides to prevent pest attack, although some prefer to opt for natural methods to eradicate pests.

It is very important to choose the right hemp variety that is adapted to the optimum temperature, light and moisture requirements for a successful harvest. Different varieties have different nutritional needs, so make sure that nutrients are apply accurately to achieve good results. It is also imperative to perform a general inspection of the stalks and flowers before harvesting hemp. If there are signs of pest damage, eradication should be carry out immediately. Also, the maturity of the flowers should be monitored to ensure that they reach optimum maturity for the best harvesting results.

One of the important aspects to take into account for harvesting is to select the best time to achieve a clean and orderly harvest

Harvesting should be carry out during daylight hours, preferably avoiding early morning, to avoid dehydration or darkening of the flowers. In addition, another important aspect to take into account is the proper equipment. It is important to use gloves to avoid contact with hemp oils, and non-sharp tools such as stainless steel cutting blades to ensure a precise cut without damaging the crops.

It is recommended to keep the premises where hemp is harvested dehulled and well cleaned to avoid contamination. To achieve this, harvesting materials should be clean regularly, respecting the established toxicity limits.

Many details must be taken into account when harvesting hemp. These precautions are necessary to ensure the quality and safety of the cannabis. To achieve the best results when harvesting the crop.

SCROG mesh in a greenhouse
It is recommend to keep the facilities where hemp is harvest clean to avoid contamination.

Effects generated by the SCROG method in Cannabis


SCROG method or Screen of Green method is one of the most used methods in cannabis cultivation. This practice consists of using a mesh to guide the growth of the surrounding plants. Allowing a greater density and control over the size and generating a larger flower production.

SCROG (Screen of Green) method is one of the best cannabis growing techniques for those who wish to grow with an optimal yield of their plants. This growing technique involves the use of a screen and supports, to limit vertical growth and improve yields in lower colas and branches. It is a very old method use to simplify the growing process and maximize the available space per plant. Each plant is allowed to get a good accumulation of sunlight. Which in turn means that each of the side and lower branches of the plant, take better advantage of the sunlight rather than it being wasted. This could help maximize the volume of product and at the same time, reduce production time.

This method is essentially a way to force the plant to produce a compact bloom. After a period of regulation, the supports are place so that they are just above the plant. This will stop the vertical growth of the plant, allowing the branches to continue to expand horizontally. When this method is add to cannabis cultivation, growers are likely to get better light distribution, allowing for better grow, flowering and production.

cannabis plants trellised by support netting
The SCROG method consists in making the plant start to produce a compact flowering.

The most important advantage is that it allows the shape and size of the plant to be controll without the need for severe pruning

This means growers do not have to worry about having to remove extra leaves or branches to keep the plant at a reasonable size. However, the resulting plants can become denser than a normal growing plant, which can result in a heavier crop weight. When using the SCROG method, controlling plant growth angles can also be easier. This is because growers can use a variety of supports. Including self-adjusting supports, to direct plant growth in the desired direction. This can maximize light uptake for better yields.

The SCROG method maximizes potential yields for a grower. It can improve the utilization of space and resources to ensure maximum crop yield. It is also one of the easiest growing methods to learn, as well as to implement. Growers who want significant results with little effort can get a lot out of applying the SCROG method to their crop.

This type of cultivation offers a number of advantages, the main ones being the following:

1. Higher flower production: the mesh helps direct plant growth, which ultimately results in higher flower production. This is because, as light is more evenly distributed, all flowers receive approximately the same amount of light. This allows the plants to produce a much higher number of good quality flowers compared to conventional growing methods.

2. Higher yield: This not only translates into a higher number of flowers. But also into a higher yield per square meter. As space per square meter is rather limit, the use of netting helps to maximize crop yields.

3. Easy maintenance: The netting facilitates the maintenance of the crop. Plants develop uniformly and are attach to the netting. This prevents plants from growing out of control and allows you to water and ventilate more efficiently for better results. You can also easily remove fruiting stalks that develop outward from the mesh.

4. Better light for flowers: This practice also helps improve the light the flowers receive, allowing for optimal growth. This results in a plant with larger and better quality flowers.

5. Reduced risk of diseases and pests: Diseases and pests often cause many problems for cannabis growers, however. By using the SCROG method, the risk of infections is reduced, as most of them reduce the risk of infections. Because the plant can grow in a more organized and uniform manner. There are fewer hidden areas that can harbor parasites.

The SCROG method can offer many benefits to cannabis growers. Such as higher flower production, better light for the flowers, better yields per square meter and growth discipline. In addition to this, there is also a lower risk of diseases and pests. If you are considering using this method, be sure to follow each step for the best results.

cannabis plant with trellis netting
The SCROG method offers many benefits when applied to cannabis plants, one of them is a higher flower production.

Main qualities of using the SCROG method

The Screen of Green (SCROG) method is characterized by a trellis of frames placed over the cannabis plant to control its growth. Once the frames are placed, the grower controls growth by forcing the plant’s stems downward, where the frames act as a grid. This helps the plant maximize soil fertilization and allows the grower to control plant size to increase overall yield.  In this method, the plants receive a greater amount of sunlight and air. Allowing them to produce a greater amount of flower. This also helps improve the flavor and stability of the crop. Which increases the value of the crop to the grower. Growers also report larger flower size and higher weed production with trellising, even with smaller sized plants.

Obtaining a crop with higher yields is another benefit of growing with the SCROG method. Because of its trellis system, growers can maximize growing space by receiving a higher yield per square meter. Growers also report a shorter flowering time, which contributes to saving time and effort for growers. In addition, some growers have claimed that trellising reduces the possibility of pests and plant diseases, which helps ensure a quality crop every time.

One of the additional features to note about the SCROG method is that it allows growers to have quick and easy cloning

This means that growers can quickly take the main stems from the plant to clone it and get new plants of the same strain. This is a great advantage for those who want to grow several plants or varieties without the need to invest in new seeds each time.  And as a last point to consider, it offers growers the possibility of having greater control over the growth of their plants. Both light and airflow, nutrients and the growth of each individual stem can be controlled, allowing the grower to obtain a much healthier and better yielding plant.

The SCROG method is a highly effective cannabis growing technique that offers numerous benefits for growers. This technique allows for higher yields, larger flower size, shorter flowering time, improved quality and taste of the weed, easier cloning and greater control by growers. This technique has become one of the most popular and remains one of the most widely used cultivation techniques today.

SCROG method
Other benefits of the SCROG method are better light exposure for the flowers as well as improved yield per square meter and growth discipline.

The importance of maintaining good quality in Cannabis cultivation

Maintaining a good quality cannabis crop is an important step for any grower. While the quality of cannabis crops varies from grower to grower.

These principles include the selection and care of plants Cannabis. The proper use of resources and cultivation techniques, and also the preservation and handling of the final products.

First, the grower must select memorable quality seeds or clones that are suitable for the desired variety. This stage may involve selecting plants with particular characteristics. Such as flavors, aromas, and colors, that are desirable to the user. Consideration should also be given to the variety’s resistance to weeds, diseases and pests. A variety resistant to these factors will result in a higher quality crop.

researcher analyzing the cannabis plant
It should be borne in mind that beforehand memorable quality seeds should be select that are suitable for the desired variety.

growers must provide their plants with adequate resources for growth.

This includes sunlight or artificial light, fertilizer, compost and irrigation. Water should be of good quality and nutrients should be in proper proportions. The grower should monitor these resources periodically to ensure that limits are not being exceeded and that an optimum level is maintained. They can also benefit from the use of proper cultivation techniques for crop management. This includes weed control, pest identification and elimination, maintenance and plant handling. Care should also be take when harvesting to avoid damaging the shoots and harvesting at the right time for maximum flavor.

Growers should preserve their products and handle waste and end products responsibly. This includes storing produce in airtight, dry containers, preserving it and not exposing it to open air and drying it in the sun. These practices will help ensure that products remain of the highest quality for as long as possible.

How to increase production using the SCROG method

The SCROG netting is an essential tool to increase the production of a crop. It is a simple and effective method to maximize the potential of cannabis crops and produce larger quantities of good quality weed. Using scrog netting, growers can control growth and establish an optimal environment for crop development. This mesh is use to indicate where the buds should grow. This allows the grower to trim the tallest shoots to prevent them from overgrowing in inappropriate directions, which will allow all the shoots to compete for the same amount of light.

The grower can then grow the buds through the mesh to make better use of the available space.

Achieving higher yields and higher quality marijuana. When a grower decides to use a scrog net to improve the production of his crop, the steps to follow are simple. First, place the scrog net over the crop in a pot. Depending on the size of the pot, growers should try to leave about two inches of space between the mesh and the stems of the plant. This will allow the buds to grow without blocking light. Once the SCROG mesh is in place, growers should be sure to trim any buds that grow outside the allowed area. In this way, the use of the screen will ensure that light is evenly distributed and not wasted on unwanted buds.

cannabis cultivation
It is recommend to use a scrog net to improve the production of your cannabis crop.

Problems generated by poor quality cannabis cultivation.

Growing poor quality cannabis can lead to a variety of problems. This is key to understand if you want to get the best results when growing cannabis. Poor quality cannabis that is grow can have problems such as mold, pests, and poor quality extracts. This can cause the cannabis to be less potent and become less appealing to the consumer. In addition, poor quality cannabis that is cultivated can cause problems in the environment due to excessive pesticides or fertilizers. Poor quality cannabis can also lead to health problems, such as asthma, respiratory problems, inflammation, headaches and other problems related to consumption. Poor quality cannabis may also contain toxic chemicals or harmful fertilizer residues. This can result in poor quality cannabis and increased health problems for long-term users.

In addition, poor quality cannabis can cause legal problems for those individuals attempting to distribute cultivated cannabis. This is especially true if cultivated cannabis becomes illegal. Business owners who sell cannabis can face charges for cultivating illegal strains of cannabis. Which can result in legal problems for those involved in the cultivation and sale.

To avoid these problems.

It is necessary to have an approach and also take steps to grow quality cannabis. This starts with ensuring that cannabis is grown in a stable environment. A suitable location should be chosen for cannabis cultivation that minimizes the risks of mistakes.

Including infection by fungi, pests or diseases. This may include a location suitable for cultivation with good lighting, good ventilation and good humidity conditions. It is also important to use good quality fertilizers and pesticides to prevent the growth of any harmful microbial strains.

Should be noted that it is important to use good quality fertilizers and pesticides to prevent the growth of any harmful microbial strains.

It is also important to have a good cultivation practice.

This includes germination and cultivation under good conditions. With proper temperatures and also humidity for healthy flowering, and nutrient regulation for a healthy crop. Other important efforts for good cultivation include removal of dead and damaged plants, maintenance of the meadow, and pest control with a safe product to protect the crop. Some additional measures to ensure high quality cannabis include proper packaging, storage and smooth transportation.

Screen of green netting for improved growing

Using the screen of green netting to get best yield from your crop

You need to be using the screen of green netting method to be able to get the best yield from your indoor garden. More traditional approaches won’t get the best and highest quality from your crops as the Scrog methods. This process will help the crops get maximum light from your discharge lamps. The screen of green netting also abbreviated as Scrog is the most energy efficient and productive, not to mention a simple way of growing indoors. Scrog method is adding a screen to the sea of green technique. The green netting is polypropylene that is UV stabilized and will last over time and is reusable. The screen of green netting encourages high-quality yields and makes excellent use of small spaces. Gives optimum exposure to the light and is resistant to chemicals and bacteria’s. The Scrog netting is used for big or small plants and offers so many benefits to your crops and time with easy maintenance and organizing.

MALLAJUANA installed on vertical in crops
The Screen of green netting is a very durable system for provide support to your crops.

How to use the screen of green netting

cannabis crops using scrog method
The net improvement the quality of the plants providing the best support for them.

The screen of green netting will be robust enough to support the growing covering. The holes in the screen of green netting should be around the 5cm mark. This will allow the plant to grow completely through it and support the full plant. The screen netting goes between the plant and the discharge lamps. This way of plant training teaches them to grow through the netting until they are an average size of 10cm above the screen. Once they hit the 10cm height, you can then pull them back through again spreading them out where you prefer them to go. This usually is where they will achieve the best light. It’s best to cut the screen of green netting to the size of your discharge lamps, so there is no overlapping at the back with plants not getting enough light. The amount of area within the plant and the green screen has to be large enough so that you can easily maneuver around to manipulate the growing plants in their training cycle. The screen netting can easily be placed using plant stakes.  Nearly all strains can be grown using the green netting and Scrog method, yet be prepared as some will require more work than others.

Leaf trimming with the screen of green netting method

While the Scrog method is very reliable for the highest quality and great production rates, it isn’t natural for the plants as there is not enough room for the leaves. Leaf trimming is needed as the leaves can get in the way of the bubs accessing the light. You need to continue cutting back into the flowering stage and finishes at the ending stages of the flowering.

The flowering cycle using the screen of green netting

screen of green method used for support in cannabis crops
With this system net you gets the best support system and your plants gets the best growth and quality.

Once you have trimmed and pruned, its then time to thin out all the undergrowth. You need to keep the undergrowth area clean from dead leaves so that there is proper ventilation getting through to the canopy from underneath. This will make sure all the energy is directed towards the bigger plant buds instead of putting it on the smaller ones. Your canopy doesn’t need to be correctly even just well even enough so the light can be distributed to the plants evenly. Make sure there are no dominant outgrowths that are taking over cut them down to be even with the rest. Don’t let overriding buds to overhaul the canopy. Cut them down to the same size as the others. Because you are using an artificial light you will have to efficiently use the lighting. This is for two reasons because you want your plants to reach their potential and you have to pay the electricity bill. Using a few lights rather than one big light will give you more light coverage all around the crops.

Will I get air circulation with the screen of green netting?

Again, getting the undergrowth cleared out can help significantly with air flow. Air flow is an important part of the Scrog. Once the crops start budding, more leaves form it will get crowded. You will need constant air circulation twenty-four hours a day. If things get crowded underneath, mold and mildew will start to appear and can grow quite rapidly.

Benefits of using the screen of green netting

  • Easy and straightforward to do
  • Well suited for Sativa
  • Easy to maintain
  • Train the plant to grow how you want it to
  • Larger yields and better-quality plants
  • In the vegetative state, all you have to do is quickly weave the branches through the screen netting

    cannabis crops in scrog method
    The net has many benefits for you and your crops, doing it a good support system.

The screen of green netting provides support

When you lay, the trellis support net out it can also provide support for rows of tomatoes, melons, corns, beans and other climbing vegetables. As the trellis support net is thin but strong and steady, it avoids having to use thick hard to manage wires. The screen of green netting is very cost-effective for all crops and their yields. The screen of green will provide extra support for all off branches, and dense fruit that weighs the plant down and can snap the branches off. Beginners and intermediate levels are both able to use the screen of green netting as it’s easy to manage and no big frames are needed. Scrogging creates better crops and yields than the old ways of growing indoors as it’s time to enlarge the amount of plants you have previously grown – improve the quality and enjoy doing it. As long as you research how to use the screen of green netting and take on all the advice given, you can become an expert. This way of plant training will increase your crops and their production.